Step by step to success

Preparatory exercises

In addition to the preparatory exercises, some core exercises are required.

Drag along the edge

In the deep pool, the child drags along the edge, alternately one hand at a time, for about ten meters. After that, it tries to climb out of the pool itself, with the support of a parent if necessary. The packet jumping exercise is required in deep water to prevent injuries. However, many children are afraid of the depths. Pulling along the edge of the pool helps them become familiar with the deep water and makes the transition to taking the plunge easier later. If your child is afraid of the deep, start with a normal jump before you attempt the package jump.

It's better for two

If your child doesn't want to jump in the water, it might be helpful to swim with other children of the same age, such as siblings or friends. The group dynamic can make your child dare too. Make sure that the majority of children take the plunge, as this may reduce your child's anxiety.

Test of courage over mat

Lay out a swim mat at the edge of the pool and hold it firmly. The child should walk across the mat in various ways. Shy kids may start out on all fours and get bolder with repetition. Make sure there are no other children or hard objects around. Objective: To alleviate fear of water, individually adaptable.

Sitting from the Edge of the Pool

The child is sitting on the edge of the pool and you are standing about one and a half meters in front of it with outstretched arms. The child then drops into the water with you. Grasp the child with both arms as soon as it is in the water. We do not recommend catching the child directly, as the momentum could cause injuries. ‍ This exercise is very similar to the core exercise but requires less courage. Make sure that the distance is large enough.

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