Step by step to success

Preparatory exercises

In addition to the preparatory exercises, some core exercises are required.

From sitting

For this exercise, your child should sit at the edge of the pool, drop forward into the water with a bent back and extended hands. A swim ring can be used as an aid to deepen diving. Dropping it into water increases momentum and enhances the effect of body control. The hand should always point in the direction of the target, as the child will slide in that direction. This exercise also prepares you well for learning how to jump in a later course.


The child stands on the floor of the hip-deep pelvis and stretches both arms forward, with the hands lying on top of each other. Hold your child by your hands and slowly run backwards so that the child is pulled forward. The moment you start pulling, the child releases his legs from the floor, takes a breath and places his face in the water between his arms. This exercise involves stretching in a prone position and holding breath. In addition, the child feels the water resistance, similar to the later gliding phase.


In the same position as before: Body fully stretched, hands on top of each other, this time in waist-deep water. Go from straight to your knees and jump three times as high as possible, completely stretching your body again at the highest point. This exercise simulates pushing off the pelvic wall by moving from an unstretched posture directly into a stretched one, similar to the water arrow.


The exercise starts on land. Stretch your arms forward, place your hands on top of each other. Then bring your arms up, pinch your head, stretch your body completely (see picture). Start the salt bar run tiptoe around the pool. The body remains as stretched as possible. After practicing several times on land, the exercise can also be tried in shallow water. Swimming requires constant switching between stretching and relaxation. Since children rarely completely stretch themselves out in everyday life, this exercise makes constant stretching over a longer period of time easier.

Schritt für schritt zum erfolg

Häufige Fehler


Children often find it difficult to stay stretched, especially if they are not used to prolonged submersion. If the body panics and twitches, we recommend repeating the exercises shown, in particular pulling, several times.