Step by step to success

Preparatory exercises

In addition to the preparatory exercises, some core exercises are required.

Breastbone stroke with both legs

The child pushes away from the edge of the pool and swims vertically in the water. It then begins to make a sternum stroke-like movement with both legs, with the leg stroke similar to a reduced sternum stroke in which the knees are never fully tightened. This preparatory exercise involves applying a familiar element (the sternum stroke) in a new form (vertical). Since the sternum stroke comes closest to treading water of all leg strokes learned so far, it is particularly suitable for rapid introduction to treading water.

Hands out of water

The child pushes itself off the edge of the pool and kicks the water for ten seconds, as in the core exercise. After that, the child tries to stretch his arms out of the water, with the aim of keeping both elbows above water for at least five seconds. This exercise can also be done as interval training by doing 10 seconds of normal water pedaling followed by three seconds with arms raised. This exercise is aimed at training strength in the legs. Some children may be able to keep their heads above water even without stepping heavily on water and therefore do not take the core exercise seriously. As a result of this difficulty, these children can also be taught the basics of water treading.

Circle with just one leg

For this exercise, you use a swimming noodle that is carried behind your back and held between your armpits. The child should then move one leg clockwise. Do this exercise with both legs, once clockwise and once counterclockwise. The entire exercise can then be tried with both legs, with the legs rotating asynchronously in different directions. The swim noodle gives the swimmer additional buoyancy and can fully concentrate on hitting the leg.

Sit on a board and paddle

The child sits on a swimming board and tries to move forward with both arms in a sitting position, often with circular movements. This exercise may be a bit easier for heavier kids as the swim board provides extra buoyancy. Lighter children, on the other hand, must have more balance. The exercise is also used as a water sensation exercise.

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