from 3 years

Crawl stroke exercise

Das Kind sitzt auf der Treppe im Kinderbecken. Die Treppenstufe ist dabei so zu wählen, dass die Beine etwa zur Hälfte unter Wasser sind. In einem ersten Schritt werden die Beine und Füße gestreckt. Dann fängt das Kind langsam an die gestreckten Beine hoch und runter zu bewegen. Der Beinschlag beginnt sehr schwach und wird dann immer stärker. Die Beine bleiben dabei stets gestreckt. Diese Übung ist zentral zur Erlernung eines korrekten Kraul- und Rückenbeinschlags und gehört zum Kernelement Antrieb.
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Step by step to success

Preparatory exercises

In addition to the preparatory exercises, some core exercises are required.

arm over knee

Here are two tips for the exercise: Start slowly, first lift your left leg fully extended for two to three seconds, then your right leg. Demonstrate the movement together and sit next to your child. During the core exercise, occasionally place an arm over the child's knees. The main goal is to keep your legs straight, and the arm over your legs prevents excessive knee bending.

Land exercise

The exercise is aimed at giving children a sense of movement with straight legs. Lay out a swimming mat on land with the child lying in a prone position and trying to raise the straightened legs. Demonstrate the exercise and be persistent as many children make mistakes at first. Emphasize slow execution — three seconds for each leg. If necessary, help by supporting the leg on the upper and lower leg with both hands. Note that difficulties on land may make implementation in water difficult.

Schritt für schritt zum erfolg

Häufige Fehler

Ride a bike

The most common mistake when striking a leg is that it comes from the knees instead of the thighs and hips, with the legs not stretched. This mistake seriously affects exercises that are based on this core exercise. A correct leg stroke is crucial for back and crawl swimming. A faulty leg stroke not only affects leg movement, but also the entire water situation.

Tightened feet

Stretch your feet in this exercise, as this is important for the crawl stroke later on. Start slowly and check foot posture regularly. With your feet pulled on, stop stroking your leg and start again.