Indian Crawl

Three arm pulls back crawl followed by three arm pulls crawl for at least 15 meters. Breathing is done exclusively on the back. The Spin Always Takes Place During the Third Turn As soon as the third crawl moves into the water, the body starts turning, so that the pull starts as a crawl move and ends as a back crawl move.

This exercise trains coordination for crawling and shoulder rotation.

Prerequisite exercises:

Please read the Safety notes Before you start.

Preparatory exercises

Windmill forward

It is best to show this exercise to your child. You are standing in the countryside with both arms on your side. Then start slowly turning just one arm counterclockwise. It is important that the palm of your hand is facing down when the arm is at a right angle in front of the body, i.e. just as you would draw the water. Then the other hand and finally both hands come asynchronously at the same time.
This exercise trains coordination with the arms. The windmill forward is different from an efficient crawl. During crawl removal, the arm is usually brought forward with a bent elbow; in addition, the arm is not stretched in the water, but bends during the pulling and pressing phase. However, this is not yet very important. The aim of this exercise is to learn the correct coordination between arm pull and shoulder rotation. This is the foundation of crawling. In later courses, numerous exercises will be used to develop an efficient arm movement.

Repel and 5 Turns Kraul

The child pushes away from the edge of the pool and remains stretched for one to two seconds. This is followed by five crawl moves with a swap impact. This does not involve breathing. Breathing is only done after the five arm movements, when the exercise is over. The arms can be stretched during the exercise, but if the child is already bending their elbow, that's no problem either.

Through this exercise, the coordination of the arms learned from the windmill is transferred to the water. Since this is still a preparatory exercise and the child does not yet know how to breathe correctly on the side coordinatively, this exercise should refrain from breathing.

Crawl Carussel

This exercise not only rotates with every third arm pull, but with every arm pull. Breathing is also carried out on the back.

The exercise helps with proper coordination. If you turn with every arm pull, there is no way to turn at an inopportune time. At least not if the arm pull remains constant and is not interrupted. This exercise is also a fun challenge for children. The exercise is admittedly a bit messy and more difficult than the actual exercise. But that is exactly what its purpose is. If the Children Can Halfway Stabilize Their Water Position During This Exercise, Then the Core Exercise Will Definitely Work

Common mistakes
Wrongly coordinated rotation

As already mentioned, the rotation takes place with the third arm pull. This means that when the third crawl plunges into the water at the front and starts to draw the water, the body is turned out of the shoulder so that the underwater phase of the crawl is halfway to the end of the back arm pull. From time to time, there are children who take both arms backwards or forwards and then turn them without an arm pull. Clear communication usually helps with this. If you swim well enough yourself, you can also show it yourself or show the child the video and point out how to turn the wrist.